Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Summer: Jonathan Cassiday

I have been picking strawberries, tending blueberries, repairing the irrigation system,incurring major expenses on my car (can not drive in GA without an AC you know) housesitting for friends and family, working on our family's shop and buying things to resell, and repairing small electrics for friends and myself. I have been spending a lot of time repairing desk and table fans, but I did also get an opportunity to repair a slave clock for a friend as well as rewire some lamps for her. 
You may or may not know what a slave clock is, so a simple explanation is that it is simply a indicator of time and has no clock movement itself, it receives a impulse from a master clock. This system was widely used in schools and government buildings so that all the clocks were in harmony with each other. These systems are not used as much anymore, and this particular clock may have been used in a classroom or train station at the turn of the century. While working on this clock I found that the proprietor of the local clock shop had just received a master clock that would have worked with the slave clock from a  school in Virginia, also appearing to have been form the turn of the century. I am hoping to see how her repair of that timepiece progresses. 
I have started some research on thesis, but nothing major yet. I talked to some folks at the Walton county historic society and they are indeed interested in my services, so I may be re-writing/organizing a brochure of their historic homes and some other things, I will meet with them sometime next week. So things are looking up right now.


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